Wilton Expects Focus

This week has been a very busy week for the Year 6 children who have been doing their SATs exams and we’re proud of every single one of them!

The children all showed Compassion for those who struggle with Mental Health.

Next week is Walk to School Week and focusing on Determination!

King’s Coronation

We had an amazing time celebrating the Coronation of King Charlies III.

We invited parents to join us in our street party to celebrate the new King.

EYFS Mrs Wardle Class Round up

The children in Early Years have been looking at woodland environments and learning about the animals who live there.

We have been reading related stories such as Going on a Bear Hunt and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

The King’s Coronation celebrations were an exciting time and we learnt lots of facts about King Charles III and his family.

The children had tea parties in the home corner, pretended to be the king on his throne and the Royal family in the small world area.

In PE we enjoyed using the large apparatus and exploring different ways to move across it. 

Breakfast Club

Did you know we do a breakfast club every morning? You can bring your child in, knowing they’ll get a good breakfast before they start school.

This is open to everyone and can be booked in the clubs section on the school gateway app.

It costs £1.20 for each morning your child attends.

This will continue in the new term.

Diary Dates and Reminders


Attendance every day is vital for your child’s progress unless they are too unwell to learn. It is your responsibility to inform the academy if your child is going to be absent by 9am each day of their absence. You can contact the office on 01642 453374.

This weeks winners are……………………is a tie between Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6!!!

100% Attendance

65 children reached 100% attendance this week. Huge congratulations to everyone.

Can we get a full house next week?

Lunch Menu

Our lunches are provided on a 3 week rota. Next weeks options will be week 2.

We Will Rock You

Tickets on sale you can call 01642 525199 or visit


Dormanstown Rugby Club

Access to Research

School Uniform and PE days

Please make sure that all items of clothing, including coats and packed lunch bags are clearly labelled with children’s names, so it is easy to find their owners.

All children have been provided with a t-shirt and shorts in a bag for PE lessons but they need to have their own trainers/plimsols in school please. Plimsols will be provided if needed. As the weather is changing, you may want to send in a tracksuit for children to wear outside during PE lessons.

PE Days are:

EYFS – Mrs Wardle – Wednesday

Y1/2 -Miss Bass – Tuesday

Y3/4 – Miss Norton – Thursday

Y5/6 – Mrs Harding – Thursday

Actions for Happiness

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