At Wilton Primary Academy, we value each child as an individual with a unique potential for learning. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives, where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge. The Y3/4 staff are Miss Norton and Miss Cook.
Please see the information below which provides you with an overview of the curriculum for the Y3/4 class for the 2023/24 academic year. We regularly feature the learning activities from each class on our weekly blog, so please have a look at this and the academy gallery, together with posts on our social media. Links to all of these pages can be found under the Celebrating Wilton tab.
During the first half term, we are working hard in writing to produce a quest story based on ‘The Ion Man’ by Ted Hughes. The children were required to create a creature that appears on earth and falls apart, he then needs to put himself together, eat a material of his choice and then save the world! The children have tried to include a full range of conjunctions to join sentences cohesively and include the other features of a narrative story.
In reading, we have been reading ‘The Iron Robin’ about a robin who comes alive and is needed to save a school. The children really enjoyed reading this and finding out about this strange little bird.
In maths we began the term by recapping on place value and our knowledge of numbers, they were then required to round numbers, investigate negative numbers and read Roman Numerals.
We then began by building of our knowledge on calculation, in particular addition and subtraction and we will follow with multiplication and division. It has been a pleasure to witness children applying previous taught skills this term and extending their knowledge further.
In geography, we have been learning about the journey of a river, the water cycle and how too much rain can cause flooding. The children have been able to excellently describe the journey a river takes and can use key vocabulary correctly when doing so.
Our Geography topic has also linked with our science topic – Changing States. The children have extended their knowledge of the Water Cycle to understand how liquids heat and cool and change state – hence why we had jelly and ice-cream! We are now investigating how the Water Cycle works!
We have also began learning about the Romans as part of our history topic. We have started with why Caesar never managed to conquer Britain and Why Claudius then really wanted to.
In P.E, we are learning the skills to play tennis, which will lead to a full match. The children have developed their under arm throwing so that their partner can use their racked to successfully get the ball back to its original destination.