Year 5 & 6 have had a busy few weeks.

All children successfully completed their swimming lessons and achieved at least 25m.

They have also attended a World At Work session held at AV Dawson where the children explored the occupations available in the Middlesbrough area and looked at programming robots. 

Year 6 have also attended a transition workshop to explore our feeling around their moving up to secondary school.  We looked at whether they were nervous, excited or not really bothered about aspects such as bigger school, new teachers, new lessons, LUNCH!! (The really important one). 

Finally, we have been very busy designing our t-shirts to reflect our time at WPA (particularly poignant for year 6).  They have been recording what they remember throughout their school life here and will be creating t-shirts using various media (pen, sewing, applique etc) 

School Gateway

We are excited to share with you that the Academy now uses School Gateway. After many requests for online payment options – this is now available via this brand new app! This will be the hub of all school related communication, club bookings and trip information. In order to stay up to date with what’s going on at school make sure you download the app for free. Letters have been sent out with instructions, but if you have any problems please contact the office.

Lunch Menus

Next weeks menu will be week 1

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Summer Dates

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