Wilton Expects Focus

This week the children have been working together showing their Collaboration. In assembly we celebrated the Harvest Festival and Show Racism the Red card by wearing Red.

When we return from half term, we’ll be looking at Compassion

We wish everyone a happy and restful half term week, and we look forward to welcoming children back into the academy on Monday 31st October.

Y3/4 Class round-up

In maths, the children have been focusing on calculations and how to use the written formal methods to reason and solve problems. Each Friday, they have been working in small groups to tackle real-life problems and investigations.  

In English, the children have been reading and writing diary extracts. We have been reading the Diary of a Wimpy Kid and the children found elements of this so funny! We have then been writing our own diary extracts and including humour to make our targeted audiences laugh too. Following our recounts, we have also been writing poems on the River Tees and we can’t wait to share these with you in our assembly next half term! 

We have also had the opportunity to go on a Scavenger Hunt at Redcar Rugby Club where the children enjoyed reading the clues and searching for the answers in a big open field. They were also asked to locate letters on flags and these letters then formed phrases to do with theme ‘Determination’. The children obviously ‘tried their best’ to solve this! 

We have also been to the Tees Barrage to further develop our work on human features in the North East. The children had a very enjoyable day learning about the history of the River Tees, why it was built and who buy, why it has changed and how the Locks work. The children asked some very interesting questions and learned lots of new facts.  

In history, the children have been learning about the Stone Age and how this period has helped to shape us as humans today. They have been learning about their struggle to survive, the houses they lived in and even the types of weapons they used. The children even reported on the discovery of Skara Brae! 

Diary Dates and Reminders

Lunch Menu

After half term we will have new options from our lunch menus. When we return after half term the lunch will be from week 1. Please discuss this with your child to help them with their choices.

School Uniform and PE Days

Please make sure that all items of clothing, including coats and packed lunch bags are clearly labelled with children’s names, so it is easy to find their owners.

All children have been provided with a t-shirt and shorts in a bag for PE lessons but they need to have their own trainers/plimsols in school please. Plimsols will be provided if needed. As the weather is changing, you may want to send in a tracksuit for children to wear outside during PE lessons.

PE Days are:

EYFS – Mrs Wardle – Tuesday

Y1/2 -Mrs Barron – Monday

Y3/4 – Miss Norton – Wednesday

Y5/6 – Mrs Harding – Wednesday


Congratulations to this weeks winners Nursery, Reception, year 5 and year 6 for 100% attendance this week!!

Connecting Stories

Every day during half term, Redcar-based writer, Carmen Marcus, invites children on a magical Halloween writing adventure to create their own story about a mystical pet over 5 days.

New content and a new challenge will appear on the Read North East website every day next week, encouraging children and their families to enter a spooky world in the build up to Halloween and develop their storytelling, creative writing and illustration skills!

Aunt Pythia’s Peculiar Pet: Write your own Halloween story | National Literacy Trust

Once children/families have completed their pet description, magic spell or your map of the shadow world, work can be sent to readnortheast@literacytrust.org.uk for a chance to be featured on our website! We’ll be asking Aunt Pythia to pick her favourite responses to each of the challenges, with those selected receiving a bundle of free books!

The best entry into the map of the shadow world challenge will see their drawing turned into a professional illustration by the brilliant Lizzie Lovejoy

Children and families have until15th November to submit their work, so can use Halloween for some extra spooky inspiration!

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