Early years have had a creepy crawly few weeks, learning all about mini beasts. We have been out about around school on mini beast hunts where we spotted lots of insects with out magnify glasses. The children were curious to find out facts from books, stories, and the internet. Reception have been writing about mini beasts and in maths learning about doubles and symmetry using ladybirds and butterflies. The children have made bug hotels, beehives, and their own mini beasts in lots of creative ways. Singing songs about mini beasts has been lots of fun too

Diary Dates and Reminders

School Gateway

We are excited to share with you that the Academy now uses School Gateway. After many requests for online payment options – this is now available via this brand new app! This will be the hub of all school related communication, club bookings and trip information. In order to stay up to date with what’s going on at school make sure you download the app for free. Letters have been sent out with instructions, but if you have any problems please contact the office.

Lunch Menu

Next weeks menu will be week 2

Men’s Mental Health

As part of Men’s Health Week, we are running an Eventbrite session explaining on Thursday 21st July 4.00-5.00 on how both Kooth.com and Qwell.io can help and support males. The session will also include discussion around how both services open up accessible ways to both receive and offer support to other males who may have been through similar lived experiences. 

To Sign up please CLICK HERE 

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