Wilton Expects Focus

This week the children have been working on their Independence. In assembly we focused on courage. Next week, the children will be working on collaboration.

Y1/2 Class round up

Over the last few weeks it’s been really busy in Y1/2 . The children have been learning lots of new things in our foundation curriculum.  Year 2 have been looking at the four countries that make up the Uk in Geography and as their final task they took on the role of a Tour Guide to describe either England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales.  Year 1 have been looking at seasonal change in Science,  so their task has been to create a weather forecast they would see on TV.  We’re really proud of the vocabulary and confidence shown by both year groups.  

In music the children are working with Mr Nixon on musical notation.  They have been recording the sounds they make and recording the volume and length of sound on paper using a variety of lines and shapes. They have been having such fun.

We have also had lots of discussions around things happening in the wider world such as the sad death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the recent World Mental Health day in order to build resilience and understanding of what we need to do to look after our own mental health.

In English both year groups have been writing instructions with Year 2 creating their own lava lamps and Year 1 making jam sandwiches for Red Riding Hoods Granny.

All in all lots of fantastic learning and the children are keeping busy, busy, busy.

Say No to Racism

Next week we’ll be taking part in the ‘Say No to Racism!’ campaign. On Friday 21st October, the children can wear red and we will be discussing racism within the academy through assembly and in class.

School Uniform and PE Days

Please make sure that all items of clothing, including coats and packed lunch bags are clearly labelled with children’s names, so it is easy to find their owners.

All children have been provided with a t-shirt and shorts in a bag for PE lessons but they need to have their own trainers/plimsols in school please. Plimsols will be provided if needed. As the weather is changing, you may want to send in a tracksuit for children to wear outside during PE lessons.

PE Days are:

EYFS – Mrs Wardle – Tuesday

Y1/2 -Mrs Barron – Monday

Y3/4 – Miss Norton – Wednesday

Y5/6 – Mrs Harding – Wednesday

Diary Dates and Reminders

Our remaining PD Days this year are:

Tuesday 3rd January 2023

Friday 26th May 2023

Friday 21st July 2023

Lunch Menu

Next weeks menus will be Week 1 with Wednesday, 19th our “Spooky Halloween Lunch”. If your child usually has a packed lunch and would like to join us for a school lunch, please log onto School Gateway app and message us.


Attendance every day is vital for your child’s progress unless they are too unwell to learn. It is your responsibility to inform the academy if your child is going to be absent by 9am each day of their absence. You can contact the office on 01642 453374.

Congratulations to Nursery, Reception, Year 5 and Year 6 for 100% attendance this week

Halloween Twilight Tour

South Tees Hospital Charity has teamed up with Scream Factory to offer you a not-so-scary Children’s Halloween Twilight Tour!  *a family friendly event suitable for children aged between 3 -10yrs old.

Set behind the historical Kirkleatham Museum you’ll be taken on a not-so-scary mystical tour, meeting special characters and collecting Halloween treats along the way.  You’ll also be joined by special pirate guests ‘Winkle and Storm’ for a show which you can enjoy in addition to the tour.

All money raised on the evening will go to the James Cook University Hospital Cardio Appeal – where we are aiming to raise £350,000 to build a new research unit that will help countless people in our region helping to reduce heart attacks.

Ticket price:

  • Adult- £4
  • Child (3 Years and Over) – £8 
  • Family (2 adults and 2 children) – £20

This will be a popular event so get your tickets quick!


Redcar and Cleveland Council Competition

You may have seen in our Council newsletter that the Waste and Environment Team launched a competition on Monday running until 21st October, which is open to School Year’s 5 – 9. In partnership with Valpak, three students could win a small prize and secure £250 of funding for their school.

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