In year 3 / 4, we have been extremely busy over the past few weeks, we have begun our new topic work for the summer term and we are pleased to share with you just a few things that we have been doing so far! In geography, we have been looking at how the North East has changed, particularly since the Roman times and how in fact we still have evidence of their archaeology close to us. We then linked to this to our writing, where we created some persuasive leaflets for visitors who may come to our local area. In P.E, we have started to learn to play, or improve our cricket skills – that is when we weren’t getting wet in the sudden downpour! In R.E, we are starting to learn about how colour is significant in different religions and we also discussed how different colours make us feel. Finally, we have enjoyed reading ‘The Horror of Dunwick Farm’, this was a book about how a spider arrived in England and some children needed to kill them all. At times, Miss Norton made us squeal and jump in fear – the book even sent chills down our spine and made our skin crawl!
Next week will be week 1.
Wilton Expects Focus What a week it's been! The weather can't decide...
Full detailsHave you seen the gingerbread man? This week EYFS have been reading...
Full detailsWilton Expects Focus The children have been learning about the value of...
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