It’s never a dull week here at Wilton Primary Academy. We’ve had Vikings, Nurses and even an ogre to visit.
On Monday we had guests from the Land of Iron museum visit and teach Year 5/6 about the Viking era, the different tools they used and even showed them how to form a shield wall!
On Tuesday we encouraged all of our children to wear different socks for Odd Socks Day and there were lots of mismatched pairs on display.
And of course today is Children in Need and everyone is looking bright colourful and spotty raising money for a great cause.
Last week the assembly theme was on Anti-bullying week with the character education being Kindness and Independence.
Next week is Road Safety Week and the importance of being careful when crossing roads or riding bikes. Character focus is on Co-operation and Collaboration.
8.30am Gates open
8.35am Staff come outside and lines begin to go in.
8.40am. School starts. Arrival after this time is classed as late.
8.41 am- 9.10am Children receive a late mark in the register. L code
9.11am onwards -Children receive a U code which classes the lateness as an unauthorised half day absence. This will affect their attendance percentage.
We appreciate at times lateness may be due to a medical appointment. If medical evidence is seen, an M-code is used instead of a U code. This will authorise the absence, although the attendance percentage will still be affected.
Any 5 days of unauthorised absence in a 10 week rolling period will trigger a phone call and the start of involvement from the attendance team across Wilton and Dormanstown.
This can be combination of U-codes or full day absence.
From Monday, you will receive a weekly text message from the Department of Education stating how many days absence your child has had this year. Please keep this to times your child is genuinely too ill to come to school.
Please help your child have the best start to the day by being on time. If you need any support or have any questions then please contact the Academy to discuss it.
Don’t forget to see reminders and stories about what your child is learning in school from Class Dojo.
It also shows parents/carers what the children have been getting points for, including being on time, working hard during class and good manners to teachers and their friends.
Please could we remind you that parking outside of the school on Pasture Lane is not permitted. On the school side, this is clearly marked out as a no parking zone. This applies on a morning, home time and throughout the day. Parking on the other side blocks the road and it makes it difficult for cars to pass and makes it unsafe for children. If you need to drive to school, please park on the High Street, the Grange Estate or further round Pasture Lane to ensure the road and paths around the school grounds are clear and safe for adults and children.
We have had a very busy and fun few weeks in Early Years. The children have been learning about people who help us and we have had special visitors come in and help us with this.
The fire brigade brought a fire engine and taught us all about what they do; squirting the hose and sitting inside was very exciting!
We have also had a nurse from A & E visit. She told us all about her job and what happens when you go to hospital. The children got to try out her equipment and put on bandages.
We are looking forward to learning about our teeth and a visit from a dental nurse next week. It has also been a time of cultural celebrations and we have learnt lots about bonfire night, Remembrance Day and Diwali.
Did you know we do a breakfast club every morning?
You can bring your child in, knowing they’ll get a good breakfast before they start school. This is open to everyone and can be booked in the clubs section on the school gateway app.
It costs £1.20 for each morning your child attends.
Attendance every day is vital for your child’s progress unless they are too unwell to learn. It is your responsibility to inform the academy if your child is going to be absent by 8.40am each day of their absence.
Please note if your child is later than 9.10am, it is counted by the DfE as a half day absence.
You can contact the office on 01642 453374.
This weeks best attendance goes to…..
5 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained. With most minor ailments, children can be in school, so we really encourage you to think about keeping your child at home.
This week we had 67 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is Outstanding!
A huge WELL DONE to you all.
Can you get 100% next week?
Our Lunches are served on a 3 week rota. Next week will be Week 3.
If you provide a packed lunch for your child please can we remind you of the following information:
All the above information is to ensure children have a healthy packed lunch whilst taking into account the safety of themselves and others.
Below is a reminder of the Nut Free school policy for the school.
Asda Rewards – Cash Pots for Schools We have signed up to this brilliant scheme to get funding for our school. Every time you shop using Asda Rewards, Asda will donate 5% of your shop to our school. It’s easy to sign up. In your Asda rewards app – Opt into the Cash pot for schools campaign and select our primary school. We are over the £100.00 mark!
New Ways November is now well under way and we’re almost halfway through! What new things will you try as the month goes on?
In preparation for Christmas , Redcar and Cleveland Walking and Cycling Hub have set up workshops to help parents build bikes if they need help!
Please see below a list of dates and locations where anyone can drop in to get help or recommendations.
As well as building boxed bikes we can provide free safety check for second hand bikes to make sure they are safe and ready to go!
For those that aren’t aware, the UK Cinema Association has a discount card which enables a disabled cinema guest to receive a free ticket for someone to go with them when they are visiting a participating cinema.
To be eligible the person must be 5 years of age or older and be in receipt of one of the following:
Or hold:
Cards are valid from 1 year from the date of issue and there is a fee of £6.
For more information and/or to apply please visit the CEA webpage – Home – CEA Card
Our Mini Dance Classes start this Week Friday 8th November!
Class Times:
• Friday: 5:15 pm – 5:55 pm
• Saturday: 10:00 am – 10:40 am
Your little ones will learn basic dance steps and routines set to their favorite songs. Classes also incorporate acro equipment to support flexibility and coordination, helping kids build confidence, make new friends, and have fun! Plus, they’ll receive a sticker after each class as a reward.
Come join us for some dancing fun!
Wilton Expects Focus We're back!! What a first week it has been,...
Full detailsHave you seen the gingerbread man? This week EYFS have been reading...
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