A word from Mrs Hood

Thank you so much for your support throughout this year for both your child and the academy. We are incredibly proud of the children and their continued hard work and resilience.

Mrs Hill will begin her retirement and we wish her all the happiness as she enjoys some well-deserved time with her family. Mrs Ancell is moving to a new role in another school and we would like to thank her for her dedication as the academy business manager.  

Miss White will be working in the academy one day per week and we look forward to welcoming her to the team. Children return on Wednesday 4th September.

The office will reopen at 1pm on Monday 2nd September if you have any queries. In response to feedback from the parent questionnaire sent out in June, we have made some changes to the start and end of the day from September.

Thank you so much for all of your support this year. We hope you all have a lovely summer and we look forward to welcoming the children back in September.

Yours sincerely Mrs Hood

Parking around the School

Please could we remind you that parking outside of the school on Pasture Lane is not permitted. On the school side, this is clearly marked out as a no parking zone. This applies on a morning, home time and throughout the day.  Parking on the other side blocks the road and it makes it difficult for cars to pass and makes it unsafe for children. If you need to drive to school, please park on the High Street,  the Grange Estate or further round Pasture Lane to ensure the road and paths around the school grounds are clear and safe for adults and children. 

Year 5/6 Mrs Harding Class Round Up

Mrs Harding has had a wonderful year and many memorable moments with the Year 6s. Below are just some of the examples from this year.

Mrs Harding would also like to tell you that on their trip to the Hollywood Bowl, she won the bowling.

Everyone at Wilton wants to wish our Year 6 class the best for the future. You will all be missed and you have made us all incredibly proud. 🎉🎉🎉


Attendance every day is vital for your child’s progress unless they are too unwell to learn. It is your responsibility to inform the academy if your child is going to be absent by 8.45am each day of their absence.

You can contact the office on 01642 453374.

The final week’s best attendance goes to…..

Missed Learning

13.5 days of missed learning occurred this week due to unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences are for holidays, parents/carers not contacting the academy or any other unexplained

100% Attendance

This week we had 68 children who achieved 100% Attendance for this week, which is an Amazing way to end the School Year!

A huge WELL DONE to you all.

Can you get 100% when we come back?

Diary Dates and Reminders

Only one to remember for this week

More dates will be added in September


The Lunch menus will be changing in time for September, please take time to check them. Our lunches are served on a 3 week rota and we’ll be starting with Week 1 when we return.

Nut Free Academy

A reminder to all parents we are a Nut Free Academy, please read below.

School Uniform and PE days

Please make sure that all items of clothing, including coats and packed lunch bags are clearly labelled with children’s names, so it is easy to find their owners.

All children have been provided with a t-shirt and shorts in a bag for PE lessons but they need to have their own trainers/plimsols in school please. Plimsols will be provided if needed. As the weather is changing, you may want to send in a tracksuit for children to wear outside during PE lessons.

Mrs Wardle – Monday

Mrs Barron – Tuesday

Miss Norton – Friday

Mrs Harding – Tuesday

Actions for Happiness

Jump Back Up July still has a couple of weeks left, what will you do over the Summer holidays?

Read It Aloud Challenge

The Academy is taking part in the Read It Aloud Challenge, scan the QR Code below to register your child.

Bring It On!

With Summer just around the corner, Bring It On! are opening bookings for Summer activities that you can find if you follow the link below. Please note that some spaces are limited and will fill up fast. Bring it on! Free holiday activities for children and young people in Middlesbrough and Redcar & (coordinate.cloud)

SEND Family Voice Newsletter

Girls Golf Rocks

Cost of Living

If you need further support, follow this link https://www.redcar-cleveland.gov.uk/benefits-and-support/household-support-fund to see if you are entitled.

Healthier Together

The 4 T’s of Diabetes

National Sleep Helpline


Families Drop In

Online Courses for Parents

Access to Research

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