In year 3/4, the children have been working on place value and calculations in maths. In year 3, they have been using practical equipment to support their learning and understanding of the concepts with exchanging ones and tens. The children are also working on challenging investigations and how to solve and understand real-life problems in context.
In English, the children have been looking at fairy tales but with a twist and the children have had the opportunity to write their own versions and even in reading we have been using Jack and the Baked Beanstalk. The children even managed to hot-seat the giant!
In geography, we began by looking at the countries that make up the UK, we then investigated maps within atlases and the symbols associated with maps. The children then had the opportunity to find various places on the maps with a partner using the key to support their understanding. We then explored the nine main regions of England and labelled them using their knowledge of the main compass points.
In E-Safety, we have discussed ways to stay safe when online and how to be a kind online digital citizen. The children now understand the importance of basic rules in order to be safe when online. They can talk about how much time they spend online, who they should be talking to online and who not too, the importance of kind conversations and how they should never share personal passwords.
With regards to PSHE, children in year 3 have been discussing what characteristics a good friend has and how they can be kind friends to others. In year 4, they have been discussing ways to develop friendships and when a friend falls out with them, how to resolve differences or conflicts.
Our lunches are provided on a 3 week rota. Next week’s menu will be week 1. Please discuss this with your child to help them with their choices.
Please make sure that all items of clothing, including coats and packed lunch bags are clearly labelled with children’s names, so it is easy to find their owners.
All children have been provided with a t-shirt and shorts in a bag for PE lessons but they need to have their own trainers/plimsols in school please. Plimsols will be provided if needed.
PE Days are:
EYFS – Mrs Wardle – Tuesday
Y1/2 -Mrs Barron – Monday
Y3/4 – Miss Norton – Wednesday
Y35/6 – Mrs Harding – Wednesday
Attendance every day is vital for your child’s progress unless they are too unwell to learn. It is your responsibility to inform the academy if your child is going to be absent by 9am each day of their absence. You can contact the office on 01642 453374.
Congratulations to the children in Year 4 and Year 5 this week who all had 100% attendance. Mrs Harding’s class had the highest attendance with 97.7%.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to join us for our Macmillan coffee afternoon. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to rearrange the date. This will now take place on Thursday 6th October at 3pm in the hall. We would be grateful of any donations of cakes, biscuits or sweet treats which we ask are brought into school on the morning of the sale. Many thanks in anticipation of your support.
Our remaining PD Days this year are:
Tuesday 3rd January 2023
Friday 26th May 2023
Friday 21st July 2023
29th September | Y3/4 Scavenger hunt |
4th October | KS2 Geography trip to Tees Barrage |
6th October | Macmillan coffee afternoon- 3pm in the hall- Parents welcome |
October | Black History month |
10th October | Mrs Harding’s class assembly- Y5/6 parents welcome 2.30pm |
13th October | Y5/6 Maritime Teesside Explorers visit to PD Ports |
18th October | Trust Choir Festival- KS2 choir at St Nicholas Church 1pm- Parents welcome |
20th October | Halloween Disco 4-5.30pm |
21st October | Show Racism the red card – Wear red non-uniform day |
24th-28th October | Half term |
Autumn 2
31st October- 4th November | Y3-Y6 swimming |
7th November | Parent consultations |
9th November | Y1/2 Movement skills festival |
14th November- 18th November | Anti-bullying week and Road safety week – to be discussed in class and assemblies |
18th November | Children in Need- Non uniform day |
28th November | Mrs Wardle’s class assembly – EYFS parents welcome |
5th December | Trust Christmas choir service – KS2 choir St Nicholas Church 1pm – Parents welcome 1pm |
13th December | Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day |
15th December | Last day of term |
3rd January | PD Day for children |
4th January | Children return to school |
Wilton Expects Focus Another hard working week is finished just in time...
Full detailsWilton Expects Focus This week the children have been working hard in...
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