Our children enjoyed supporting NSPCC on Friday, 4th February. They attended in clothes which had numbers or patterns displayed and enjoyed maths activities and games.
This week in ART, we have been studying the use of different media and have produced a collage.
In Science, we have been experimenting with adding components to circuits to find out whether the number of components added affects their performance.
Finally, some of our year 6’s enjoyed learning how to be play leaders and have had great fun setting up playtime games for the younger children.
This week’s Shine like a Star has been to do something for somebody else without being asked to.
We are still looking for a parent representative for Parent Voice on our Academy Committee. Check your Parentmail or speak to office staff for more information.
The menu for week beginning 7th February is Week 2. Please see below.
Well done Year 3/4 for scoring the most points this week with 5,846,556 points!
Congratulations to the top spellers this week.
Mrs Barron’s class
1st – Freddie
2nd – Nelle
3rd – Alice
Miss Norton’s class
1st – Rafe
2nd – Ruben
3rd – Freya
Mrs Harding’s class
1st – Thomas D
2nd – Tierney
3rd – Thomas
Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.
Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!
Mrs Barron’s class
1st – Nelle
2nd – Tamsin
3rd – Michael
Miss Norton’s class
1st – Rafe
2nd – Isla
3rd – Freya
Mrs Harding’s class
1st – Thomas
2nd –
3rd –
Don’t forget, PE is now every Wednesday, please ensure your child brings their kit for this day.
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