Science – in science we have been looking at the circulatory system and we conducted an experiment to see if exercising would affect our pulse rate.
Geography – in Geography we have been focusing on the countries of Europe. We have identified them using an atlas and researched their capital cities.
Reading – in class reading, we have been looking at the TVed book of the year. So far, the class has read 2 of the books and completed book reviews and sent ‘Tweets’ to the authors. Some of the children have read the other books independently and are in the process of reviewing the books for the rest of the class.
Year 6 have obviously also just completed their SATs and we are very proud of them but also, we are proud of how our year 5’s supported the year 6 children throughout the week.
On Wednesday the 1st of June, Beat the Street is hosting a half term event. To celebrate World Oceans Day, we are hosting a beach front litter pick. Meet in the Majuba Road Car Park in Redcar at 10am. Let us know if you are coming, and find out more information on our event page:
Next week will be week 2.
Wilton Expects Focus Autumn is well and truly here and the children...
Full detailsWilton Expects Focus What a busy week Wilton has had! At the...
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