This week in Geography, we have been thinking about early settlements and what people looked for in a suitable area to create a settlement.
The children identified things like accessible running water, defendable sites, forestry for wood and animals.
They then designed their settlements as a plan on paper in groups.
They then created their settlements using modroc. They had a great time (albeit a bit of a messy time). They worked collaboratively in their groups and successfully produced their settlements.
Once almost dry, they began adding their features from the natural habitat around the school. We are hoping they will be dry enough for painting next week.
This week to link with our value of determination, we are focussing on having a brave momnet. How can you challenge yourself and push yourself out of your comfort zone?
Thank you to everybody that donated cakes or money for our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon, we raised £96.78 which will help people with cancer and their families.
Please can you ensure that you book any dental or medical appointments for out of school hours, unless it is an emergency. Any lesson time missed has a negative impact on your child’s learning.
The menu for week beginning 4th October is Week 1. Please see below.
Well done Year 1/2 for scoring the most points this week with 9,401,526 points!
Congratulations to the top spellers this week.
Mrs Barron’s class
1st – Freddie
2nd – Alice
3rd – Michael
Miss Norton’s class
1st – Winnie-Rose
2nd – Freya
3rd – Joseph
Mrs Harding’s class
1st – Thomas D
2nd – Tierney
3rd – Isaac
Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.
Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!
Mrs Barron’s class
1st –
2nd –
3rd –
Miss Norton’s class
1st – Winnie-Rose
2nd – Joseph
3rd – Ruben
Mrs Harding’s class
1st – Cara
2nd – Phoebe
3rd – Maggie
Wilton Expects Focus The children this week have been demonstrating their Independence...
Full detailsWilton Expects Focus The weather's changing, days are getting warmer and it's...
Full detailsWilton Expects Focus This week the children have been working together showing...
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