Year 1/2

This week year 1 and 2 have been writing based on the Red Riding Hood fairytale. Year 2 have worked independently and collaboratively.  

We have been learning about Friedrichsen Hunderwasser and how he uses the environment in his work.  We have experimented with pattern and colour.

Wilton Expects

This year we have four Wilton expects values that we expects the children to show. They are determination, independence, collaboration and compassion. Each value is linked to a colour. When the children do something well, they receive a wowcher. If they receive a wowcher directly linked to one of our Wilton expects values then they receive a wowcher of the matching colour. Each child from Year 1 upwards has a card to record their coloured wowchers on. Once they have completed a full section then they will receive one of our new badges. We are looking forward to seeing who the first winners are! Children in Nursery and Reception are given wowchers in the form of Wilton stickers. They can be nominated by an adult to receive one of the Wilton expects badges by an adult in the academy if they are consistently showing determination, independence, collaboration or compassion.

Shine like a Star

This week we are focusing on being independent so our Shine like a Star is to try something new on your own.

Dates for your Diary

Academy Lunches

We are pleased to let you know that we have now resumed our hot counter service. The children are enjoying the range of foods. If you would like to change your child onto school meals then please contact the office.

Packed lunches

Reminder – Due to nut allergies, please do not send nuts or items that may contain nuts in your child’s packed lunch.

We are proud to be a Healthy School and ask that you do not send fizzy drinks, chocolate or sweets in your child’s packed lunch.

Healthy items can include:

  • Sandwiches
  • Wraps
  • Crackers
  • Fruit
  • Salad
  • Vegetable sticks
  • Yoghurt
  • Cereal bars

Lunch Menus

The menu for week beginning 20th September is Week 2. Please see below.

On Thursday 23rd September, your child will be choosing their meals for Week 3. Please see below.

Collection Reminder

Can we politely remind parents not to call over their child on the playground at home time. It is important that our staff know where the children are and who they have gone home with. If somebody different will be collecting your child, you must let the office know as soon as possible.

Nursery parents – Please remember that Morning Nursery do not finish until 11:45am. The Nursery doors will not be opened until 11:45am so please do not wait outside the door beofre 11.40am.

Community News

Spelling Shed

Well done Year 5/6 for scoring the most points this week with 8,074,428 points!

Congratulations to the top spellers this week.

Mrs Barron’s class

1st – Freddie
2nd – Joel

3rd – Alice

Miss Norton’s class

1st – Winnie-Rose
2nd – Joseph

3rd – Isla

Mrs Harding’s class

1st – Thomas D
2nd – Tierney

3rd – Brooke

Times Tables Rock Stars

Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.

Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!

Mrs Barron’s class

1st – Oceane
2nd – Joel

3rd – Nelle

Miss Norton’s class

1st – Freya
2nd – Winnie-Rose

3rd – Indie

Mrs Harding’s class

1st – Cara
2nd –
3rd – Isaac

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