Have you seen the gingerbread man? This week EYFS have been reading the gingerbread man story. We made gingerbread men, but one escaped from the oven! The children started an investigation to try and find him. We became detectives and went on a hunt around school and found lots of clues. The children designed posters and traps to try and get him to come back. Please let us know if you see him!
Shine like a Star
This week’s Shine Like a Star has been Show your marvellous manners.
Lunch Menus
The menu for week beginning 14th February is Week 3. Please see below.
Spelling Shed
Well done Year 3/4 for scoring the most points this week with 4,410,738 points!
Congratulations to the top spellers this week.
Mrs Barron’s class
1st – Freddie
2nd – Nelle
3rd – Alice
Miss Norton’s class
1st – Rafe
2nd – Joseph
3rd – Ruben
Mrs Harding’s class
1st – Thomas D
2nd – Tierney
3rd – Thomas
Practicing times tables is so important in improving maths and is a huge part of number work from Year 2 upwards. Please encourage your child to use their account to get as fast as they can which will help them be able to apply their knowledge to different areas of maths.
Congratulations to the highest coin collectors this week!
Mrs Barron’s class
1st – Ruby-Sue
2nd – Nelle
3rd – Zak
Miss Norton’s class
1st – Freya
2nd – Rafe
3rd – Isla
Mrs Harding’s class
1st – Thomas T
2nd – Cara
3rd – Maggie
Year 1/2 This week the children have had a busy week! They...
Full detailsYear 5/6 This week Year 5/6 have been learning about shadows in...
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