Wilton Primary Academy Curriculum Overview
Wilton Primary is committed to developing each child’s unique potential within an environment where pupils can thrive and not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning. The curriculum provision ensures our pupils develop key knowledge in order to know more, do more and understand more over time within subject areas. A focus on the systematic teaching of reading, vocabulary and oracy development ensures our pupils become highly effective readers, speakers, listeners and wider communicators. Through the provision of a range of educational experiences, we broaden horizons and increase pupils’ cultural capital. Key values are embodied through ‘Wilton expects we show Determination, Independence, Collaboration and Compassion’, this supports the development of key learning dispositions to enable lifelong learning and ensures our pupils are well prepared for the next steps on their education journey. Through wider opportunities, our pupils will develop their understanding of the world of work, therefore opening doors to a bright future so that they can have a positive impact on their own lives and the lives of others.

EYFS curriculum
Our early years curriculum is planned to provide a wide range of opportunities designed to meet the needs of all learners. The curriculum is progressive and coherently planned using pupil’s individual starting points and prior knowledge and takes account of content, sequencing and progression for a mixed age class of nursery (N1 and N2), and reception children. The development of communication and spoken language is pivotal in all seven areas of the curriculum, forming the foundations of language and cognitive development. We aim to develop pupil’s vocabulary to provide them with the opportunities to be able to understand and access the world around them. Direct teaching of knowledge and skills across all areas of the curriculum, alongside opportunities for developing the characteristics of effective learning through continuous and enhanced provision allows our pupils to become confident, compassionate, determined learners who can work independently and collaboratively.

Y1 to Y6 curriculum
At Wilton Primary, teaching is delivered to mixed year group classes. In core subjects this requires careful planning, clear differentiation and on occasions separate instruction so that objectives can be delivered sequentially. Teachers check pupils understanding systematically, identify misconceptions accurately and provide clear feedback, adapting lessons in light of assessment for learning. Planned opportunities to revisit previously learned knowledge, concepts and procedures through spaced retrieval is in place to support embedding knowledge in pupils’ long-term memory. The foundation subjects are planned so that the classes follow the overarching subject theme but objectives are planned to meet the expectations for each year group. Curriculum plans focus on prior knowledge, identification of misconceptions and are centred on ‘key takeaways’ linked to an overarching question.

How we deliver the curriculum
The Curriculum Long Term Plan sets out the programme of study objectives, key knowledge, progression and assessment points and provides a coherent learning sequence to ensure that knowledge is built cumulatively. This overarching framework provides the building blocks to which the academy has tailored to meet our specific context and the teaching of mixed year group classes with non-core subjects designed within a 2 year cycle. We believe the success of our curriculum is through the delivery of expert teaching routed in cognitive science and underpinned by a positive climate and routines for learning, a well-sequenced, knowledge rich curriculum, planning for learning rather than performance with responsive teaching and effective feedback approaches. We explicitly teach vocabulary to extend and enrich learning in order to address language development and the word gap. Our curriculum plans give pupils the opportunities to activate and build on prior knowledge, drawing this from their long-term memory, to make meaningful connections to new learning. We define progress as the widening and deepening of key knowledge, skills and understanding, which together with the development of key values and learning dispositions leads to success both now and in the future.

Further Information – If parents would like additional information on the school curriculum then please see the subject and class pages. Academy staff will always provide any further information or answer any questions you may have, please feel free to speak to your child’s teacher or use the contact us area on this website.

  • Tees Valley Education Long Term Curriculum Map Download
  • Tees Valley Education Teaching & Learning Policy Download
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